I wrote HealthExporter to help me and my doctor follow my asthma better. The Health app on my iPhone lets me track health data that’s important to me. HealthExporter lets me work with my health data in my spreadsheet programs—on my iPhone or any computer that can read a CSV file—so I can produce charts, tables, and graphs of my health data using the tools I already know. Now I can give my doctor detailed reports on my lung function and inhaler use.
Let HealthExporter help you do more with your health data!
- by entering data manually into your iPhone
- or by using a connected device to store data directly into the Health app.
For example, to track my lung function I use a handheld airflow meter and enter the values manually into my iPhone. HealthExporter works with any data you can store in the Health app.

HealthExporter links your health data to your spreadsheet. Store, analyze, and report your data your way. Your data never leaves your devices until you want to share it with someone.